It is possible to earn income by selling all kinds of old items, tools and equipment that people do not use in their homes or workplaces, at reasonable prices, in our company, which purchases scrap for recycling purposes. Compared to many companies that buy scrap in the sector, our company evaluates your scrap items at higher prices thanks to the recycling companies it has agreed with. Apart from purchasing metal scraps such as iron, copper, aluminum, which is a classical scrap business concept, our company purchases all kinds of materials such as plastic products and paper products that can be recycled.
Antalya Kepez Scrap Prices
Our company, which evaluates products such as copper and aluminum at a price above the market, will allow you to earn high amounts of income. Our company, which evaluates plastic and paper products with low prices, will provide additional income to your budget. For more detailed information, you can visit our company.